A podcast about tech career beginnings and challenges

Interviews with people from various tech professions about the challenges they faced in the beginning and during their careers. Listen and get inspired by their stories.

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🇸🇰🇨🇿 Note: The podcast originally comes mostly in Slovak and Czech language. This website contains the subset of its episodes that are in English. You can find the Slovak version of the website and the complete list of episodes at www.restarty.dev.

Kateryna Gurova

Kateryna Gurova: My career influenced my personality


Development team lead Kateryna Gurova about the difficult beginnings in coding, gaining self-confidence and learning management skills.

Christina Chen

Christina Chen: It's never too late to change


Digital product designer Christina Chen about switching from marketing to design, being productive when working remotely and about why she now calls Europe her home.

Robert Campbell

Robert Campbell: If I am comfortable, I am not growing


Head of technology center Robert Campbell about the journey from coder to manager and the importance of soft skills and doing just a bit more than the baseline.

Beginnings are not easy

Many success stories say that you need to be hardworking and persistent and the results will come. Is that really all that can be said about the beginnings? And what about the other challenges that come later?

In the (re)starts in tech podcast, Alica Freund talks to guests from various tech fields and professions. They discuss their career beginnings and other challenges they have faced in their careers. Because wherever they are now, at some point, they were at the beginning.

If you have ever asked questions such as — Is tech the career for me? How do I make the change? How do I gain experience? How do I move forward? — then this is the podcast for you.

Foto autorky podcastu

About the author

Alica Freund has a lot of experience with tech beginnings. She studied in Košice, Slovakia but started her career in Prague, Czech Republic. First she started as a Scrum Master, and then again as a software developer. During this transition she found out that even the degree from Computer Science and two years spend in one office with developers are often not enough to get an interview for a junior developer position.

The experience she gained until then and the advice from friends who worked as developers kept her optimistic. However, she wondered how much harder it could be for a tech novice without such experience and network. That inspired her to start the (re)starts in tech podcast where tech people in various career stages could share stories of their beginnings.

Alica works as a .NET developer. After work, she writes a blog, lifts kettlebells and goes to concerts.
